Python Basics

Use the Template to play around with the different basic building blocks of Python. Create new cells with # %% as necessary.

Use the Python Basics section and the reference for help.

# %%# Types:# Boolean (bool), Integer (int), Range (range), Float (float),# Complex Number (complex), String (str), List (list), Tuple (tuple),# Dictionary (dict), Set (set), Absence of value (None)# %%# Variables and Assignment (=)# %%# Mathematical Operations (+,-,*,**,/,//)# %%# Comparisons (==,!=,<,<=,>,>=)# %%# Boolean Operators (and/or/not)# %%# String Expressions (+,*)# %%# List Expressions (+,*)# %%# Conditional Execution (if/elif/else)# %%# For Loops (for)# %%# While Loops (while)# %%# List Comprehensions [...]# %%# Dictionary Comprehensions {...}# %%# Functions (def)# %%# Anonymous Functions (lambda)# %%# Import Packages (import)# %%# List Indexing# %%# Dictionary Indexing
# %%# Types:# Boolean (bool), Integer (int), Range (range), Float (float),# Complex Number (complex), String (str), List (list), Tuple (tuple),# Dictionary (dict), Set (set), Absence of value (None)# Boolean (bool)True, False# Integer (int)15# Range (range)range(1, 10, 2)# Float (float)2.66666# Complex Number (complex)1.5 + 3.2j# String (str)"Text", "Text"# List (list)[1, 2, 3]# Tuple (tuple)(1, 2, 3)# Dictionary (dict){"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}# Set (set){"a", "b", "c"}# Absence of value (None)None# %%# Variables and Assignment (=)a = 1b = 4c, d = 13, 14# %%# Mathematical Operations (+,-,*,**,/,//)1 + 1a - 2b / cb // 3  # Floor divisionc * dc**2  # Power# %%# Comparisons (==,!=,<,<=,>,>=)a == 1  # Truea != 1  # Falsea < 2  # Truea <= 2  # Truea > 2  # Falsea >= 2  # False# %%# Boolean Operators (and/or/not)a == 1 and not (b < 3 or b > 3)# %%# String Expressions (+,*)"My name is " + "Peter""A" * 5  # "AAAAA"# %%# List Expressions (+,*)["one", "list"] + ["two", "lists"]["A"] * 5# %%# Conditional Execution (if/elif/else)if a == b:    print("a = b")elif a > b:    print("a > b")else:    print("a < b")# %%# For Loops (for)for i in range(10):    print(i)# %%# While Loops (while)j = 0while j < 10:    print(j)    j += 1  # j = j + 1# %%# List Comprehensions [...]lc = [i for i in range(5)]# Same asll = []for i in range(5):    ll.append(i)lc == ll# %%# Dictionary Comprehensions {...}keys = ["A", "B", "C"]values = [1, 2, 3]dc = {k: j for k, j in zip(keys, values)}# Same asdl = {}for k, j in zip(keys, values):    dl[k] = jdc == dl# %%# Functions (def)def my_function(a, b=2):    return a**bmy_function(2)my_function(2, 3)# %%# Anonymous Functions (lambda)my_afunc = lambda x: x + 1my_afunc(1)# %%# Import Packages (import)import pandas as pdpd.DataFrame()# %%# List Indexingmy_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]len(my_list)my_list[0]my_list[3]my_list[-1]my_list[-2]my_list[1:3]my_list[1:6:2]# %%# Dictionary Indexingmy_dict = {"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3}len(my_dict)my_dict["A"]my_dict["C"]